RTS Global Consulting


How we create and Cultivate Blog Articlesblog

We begin our blog development process with a concise 5-Step Process that is grounded in company CEO Sam Miess’ long-time compelling need to research, develop, and share information –

  1. (Always) Do the right thing, tell the truth, (and for God’s sake) be nice!
  2. HUMINT is the most dependable form of information.
  3. (Whenever possible) share the HUMAN side of every story.
  4. (Lou says) Avoid hyperbole.
  5. Know your subject matter – Research, research, RESEARCH!

“What?”  (You question.)  “Research?  You mean you don’t just simply re-post or re-tweet a blog that someone else has put together?”

We rarely re-post.  Instead, we follow the money and the information to its logical conclusion, recognize our sources, and post what is most meaningful to us as a team.  This takes a LOT more time so we hope that you not only find real value in our posts but that you will also share with family and friends.  In fact, because we LOVE responsible dialogue, we hope that you will feel comfortable in sending us your thoughts, opinions, and questions about our company and our blog!

Finally, always remember…

“Ground truth…”

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Author: Ralph Phillips

Ralph Phillips is the Senior Financial Analyst and co-founded RTS GLOBAL CONSULTING in 2013. He is recognized as an expert in the fields of Strategic and Operational Planning, Business Management and Continuation, Government-NGO-Private Company Contracting, Customer and Supply Chain Relationship Management, Dispute Resolution through arbitration and mediation, and Advanced Marketing and Advertising.

Mr. Phillips holds numerous certifications including: Corporate Leadership (CLC), and Sarbanes Oxley (SOTP).